MAD Poetry Panel - Big Anxiety Forum (live)

9am, Thursday 6 October 2022 to 5pm, Friday 7 October 2022
RMIT Storey Hall & Green Brain, Building 16, 336/348 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Cost: $30 / $75
Event type(s):
The Big Anxiety Forum is an immersive 2-day forum for anyone interested in the complexities of mental and emotional health from lived experience perspectives.
The forum features two full days of creative engagements, in-depth conversations, workshops and performances, reimagining mental health through a creative, experiential lens. This experience-based event is intended to be stimulating, uplifting, and ultimately enjoyable. It will also be challenging at times — and for some, transformative.
The Forum prioritises being with lived experience rather than academic discussion and is primarily a space for experiencing creative approaches to the day-to-day challenges of living with trauma, suicidality and mental distress.
MAD Poetry features as part of the forum including this MAD Poetry panel Thursday 6 Oct 10-1115am, convened by David Stavanger along with poets featured in the book Admissions, which will be launched at the Forum. Join David, co-founder Tim Heffernan, Admissions co-editor Mohammad Awad, and emerging voices Lesh Karan and Kristen de Kline as they discuss working with poetry in the lived experience space.