same colour as ruin

as in take them from home

 as in run songline to dust

same colour as ochre

  as in deep within marrow

as in tied to umbilical

same colour as ocean

 as in expanse to anchor
as in whisper to shore

same colour as silence
as in connective tissue

 as in language body

same colour as sacred

as in name only you know
as in calling from bone
as in never going away again

as in never being taken

as in returning
to you 



Think of a dream you once had, and couldn’t shake. Write a poem as if it were a memory.

Lucy Norton

#30in30 writing prompt

Poetry is a language, a vessel, a channel from which our expression is birthed.

To me, poems are living, breathing beings. They come from the same place that our spirit does, you know? Our human bodies, brains and hearts, are like transmitters receiving whatever pours through the channel.

I believe that's why when you read a poem that resonates with you, it is felt somewhere deeper than your body. It is a remembrance. The expression itself is ancient, and continuous, neverending.

Our ancestors knew that telling story was a part of the life force that sustains us. We all have a voice, we all have stories, and they all are significant. They are both personal and collective.

I love that poetry can be a vehicle to share parts of us which we have been taught to hide away. I think there is so much to be gained in allowing others to see us in that way, and find that it’s a perfect medium to let our guards down a little.

When walls come down, there is room and space for wonderful things to be let in.

Lucy Norton

#30in30 #PoetryMonth