GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
A resident told me that cane mulch was too hard to move - I put it on too think.
GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
A resident got upset when we cut the azaleas back - they were about 2.0 m high.
GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
A ‘resident’ said that 2 camellias (due to grow ~4m & 2.5 m round) would not clutter up the
garden – they were in a 1m x 1m slot. They would stop the smoker’s smoke entering her
mother’s place. The prevailing wind is mainly from the south. Going N to S: mother’s door;
where the smokers stood; where the two camellias were placed.
GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
A ‘resident’ complained that a carer for another resident was NOT being a good neighbour
and getting her mother’s mail, because that other resident used to (as a courtesy) get the
mail for her. Apparently the same key worked both letter boxes. My key fits all other boxes,
but will only open mine.
GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
While I was weeding the garden, one resident (a tenant) stood over me indicating that there
were weeds about 1 m to my left.
GC cat speaks the most sense around here .... and she’s a cat and she’s dead now!
One resident once told me she got mixed up whether her oven was in Celsius or Fahrenheit
– she used to work as a cook in a hospital.
O cachorro comeu um pouco da minha lista (the dog ate some of my


Mark is an Emerging poet who participated in Red Room Poetry's MAD Poetry Illawarra workshops in 2020