says the note
near the radio,
tuning in to
New Weird Australia,
dangle a tea bag
into a mug,
sound sounds
experiment, montage,
batteries flat,
dance on nothing,
have to go
suck a stone
measuring up
sight unseen
sound unheard,
dogged continuum -
swallow the algae,
long for the moss,
fondle the root,
a wasp hovers
over a corn cob,
wasp or bee?
makes me think
of Maeterlinck,
Count Maurice
his second name
was Polydore,
in countless ways -
his never-made
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
movie        based on
'The Life of the Bee'.
is this  a
sappy nature poem?
notate imperilled
imperilling plants,
vanishing insects,
the superseded
cochineal beetle.
missing grasses,
what weed
is that ?
too bad about
the prickly pear.