در میان شهر وحشت خیلی انسان کشته شد

یا درون خانه‌اش، یا در خیابان کشته شد 


انتظار دیدنِ بیمارِ خود را می‌کشید

روی تختش بی‌صدا در وقت درمان کشته شد 


کودکی از ترس جایی رفته تا پنهان شود

تا رها شد مرمیِ، در پشت گل‌دان کشته شد 


باز سربازی بهارِ عمر خود را خاک کرد

در دفاع از کشور خود در زمستان کشته شد 


با دل پر از امیدش سوی دانش‌گاه رفت

با هجوم طالبان در تیرباران کشته شد 


دختری‌که غرقِ دنیایِ عروسک بود و بس

انفجاری آمد و با نوجوانان کشته شد 


تا مسافر پای خود را در مسیری می‌نهاد

بی‌گناه آواره و در جای پنهان کشته شد 


مردِ دانا عمر خود را صرف علم و درس کرد

آخرش با دست‌های فردِ نادان کشته شد 


انفجار بمب جان صدهزاران را گرفت

شوهری زخمی و زن با چشم‌گریان کشته شد 


خسته‌ام از جنگ‌های ناتمام کشورم

چون‌که دیدم صدهزاران فرد افغان کشته شد 

ریحانه‌ی حسان



Endless wars

Many people were killed in the city of terror

They were either killed inside their house or on the street


Someone looks forward to seeing his patient

The patient was killed silently on his bed during treatment 


A child goes somewhere to hide out of fear 

Until the bullet was released, it was killed in the back of the vase


The soldier buried the spring of his life again 

He was killed defending his country in the winter.


Everyone went to university with a heart full of hope 

They were killed in a shooting by the Taliban


A girl who was immersed in the world of dolls and that was it 

An explosion occurred and killed her with the teenagers


Until the passenger put his foot in the path 

While being Innocent and displaced he was killed in hiding


The wise man spent his life learning education

He was killed by an uneducated person at the end


A bomb blast killed hundreds of thousands of people 

An injured husband and wife were killed with tears in their eyes


I am tired of the endless wars of my country 

As I saw an infinite number of Afghans were killed