Rebecca Shaw
Rebecca Shaw aka @BROCKLESNITCH has been on the writing teams for TV shows such as Tonightly with Tom Ballard, Get Krack!n, The Weekly, and is currently writing for ABC’s Hard Quiz and Question Everything. She has written for The Guardian, Pedestrian, The Age, and most other places you can think of, including a popular “The Bachelor” recap series at Junkee. She has essays published in the Hachette book Queerstories, and the anthology Growing Up Queer, published by Black Inc. Her parody Twitter account @NoToFeminism was developed into an illustrated book with Affirm Press, and in 2018 a song she co-wrote with Bridie Connell won the ARIA for best comedy release. In the Chaser’s “War on 2020” series, she conceived and co-wrote the viral “Contact Tracies” sketch, which currently has several million views and was shared by Chelsea Clinton and Taika Waititi.