Privacy Policy

Red Room Poetry understands the importance of, and is committed to, protecting the privacy of personal information for service users and all stakeholders.

As Red Room Poetry, we will only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary for us to carry out our work. Sensitive information will be collected with the appropriate consent, or where specifically permitted and required by the law.

Red Room Poetry will collect and hold personal information in a fair, non-intrusive, and lawful manner. Where personal information is being collected pursuant to a law specifically requiring or authorising that collection, individuals will be made aware of those details. Where it is reasonably practical to do so, Red Room Poetry will collect personal information directly from information owners or those authorised to provide information. Where personal information is collected from a third party, we will, where possible, request that the third party inform those affected by the information that we are holding such information, how we will use and disclose it, and that you may contact us to gain access to and/or update the information. Any access to information requests should be directed to the CEO using the contact details below.

Red Room Poetry recognises that at times, we may receive unsolicited information. Where this occurs, employees are to determine whether or not Red Room Poetry could have collected the information if solicited and destroy or de-identify the information if this is not the case.  Any query in this respect should be referred to the employee's line manager.

To ensure privacy, Red Room Poetry will take reasonable steps to maintain the security of personal information to protect it from unauthorised disclosures. Where other independent individuals or organisations conduct work with or on behalf of Red Room Poetry, they will be expected to follow this Privacy Policy and take appropriate steps to maintain the security of personal information disclosed to them by Red Room Poetry, including agreeing to the secure transfer, transportation, and storage of information. Any electronic materials containing personal information will be subject to appropriate technical measures to protect them against unauthorised access, disclosure or modifications, and held either on our secure servers or on third-party servers with relevant protections in place in line with legislative and contractual obligations.

We will destroy or de-identify personal information once it is no longer needed for a valid purpose or required to be kept by law.  Where we dispose of any personal information, we will take steps to ensure that this is done in a secure manner.

As Red Room Poetry, we will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose unless appropriate consent has been obtained (expressly or impliedly) to that use or disclosure, or where such use or disclosure of personal information is otherwise permitted by law. We may disclose personal information between our organisations, partners, and third parties. Where this occurs, we will require that the third party protects your information to the same extent that we do in line with relevant laws. When the need arises for it to be used or disclosed for other reasons, this may only occur where the relevant use or disclosure is permissible at law, and consistent with this Privacy Policy and any other statements it has made publicly or to the individual about how their information will be handled.

Red Room Poetry conducts marketing for the services we provide. Any use or disclosure of personal information for direct marketing activities will only be done where permissible under applicable laws, compliant with the requirements of the Spam Act, and consistent with this Privacy Policy and any other statements it has made publicly or to the individual about how their information will be handled. Individuals or those authorised to make decisions on their behalf will be able to opt-out of direct marketing activities at any time. Sensitive information will not be used or disclosed for direct marketing, unless the individual involved or those with authorisation to act on behalf of the individual have consented to this occurring.  We will not use or disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without this consent. Personal information may be used for indirect marketing via a number of digital mediums in order to find like characteristics and to assist us with our use of personal information, which is set out in section 4 below.

Where service users do not provide us with personal information, we may not be able to provide you with requested goods or services. Where there is displeasure with elements of this Privacy Policy or Red Room Poetry’s privacy practices, any questions, concerns or complaints should be directed to the CEO using the contact details below. Individuals and stakeholders will be supported as appropriate in making complaints and Red Room Poetry will endeavour to resolve these.

We may change the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time, without notice to you.  A current version of our Privacy Policy will remain available on our website:

Prescribed practice

1.      The kinds of information we collect and hold

The kinds of personal information we may collect can include (but is not limited to):

  • Service user’s name; contact information, including postal address, phone numbers and email addresses;
  • personal information relating to a person’s occupation or business such as ABN, position, organisation, postal address, phone numbers and email addresses;
  • with your consent, your criminal history and racial background;
  • employment or background screening, such as police, yellow card and working with children checks;
  • transactional information such as credit card details or bank details in the event of a donation to, or purchase from, Red Room Poetry or a payment from Red Room Poetry;
  • information about attendance at events, workshops, professional development held by Red Room Poetry;
  • personal information for human resources, finance and general entity administration purposes.

We only collect sensitive information about you with your consent, or otherwise in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. In some instances, we may be required by law to collect certain information. We will endeavour to make you aware where this is the case.

2.      How we collect personal information

We may collect the personal information you directly give us through some of the following means:

  • in working with you to provide advice, services, materials and/or resources;
  • from those with legal approval to provide information on your behalf;
  • when you make an inquiry via, or use other functionality of, our website;
  • when you contact us via telephone or email;
  • from correspondence from you and or third parties as part of service delivery (whether by phone, in writing or electronically).

When collecting personal information about an individual, the responsible employee will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the individual is aware that this is taking place, and to alert the individual or their decision-maker/representative, that they can learn more in Red Room Poetry’s Privacy Policy about:

  • the purposes for which Red Room Poetry collects personal information;
  • the consequences if personal information is not collected;
  • the circumstances in which Red Room Poetry may disclosure personal information to third parties;
  • how the individual can access and correct personal information about them held by Red Room Poetry;
  • complaint handling processes; and
  • any likely overseas disclosures of personal information.

Wherever possible and practical, individuals dealing with Red Room Poetry should be permitted to do so on a pseudonymous or anonymous basis, should they so elect. However, this may be declined where impracticable, or where Red Room Poetry has legal obligations to fulfil.

3.      How we hold personal information

All personal information is held securely by or on behalf of Red Room Poetry. Personal information will only be held by Red Room Poetry while it is required either to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected or to fulfil Red Room Poetry’s legal obligations. We will conduct regular reviews of the personal information we hold and destroy or de-identify information no longer required.

4.      The use of personal information

All collected and stored information will be used to:

  • ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of all of our services, and the health, safety, development and wellbeing of all of our service users;
  • manage, administer and improve all of our services and programs;
  • organise, invite and hold events, workshops, seminars and training;
  • provide products and services, or information about these products or services, to you;
  • manage and administer those products and services, including account keeping procedures;
  • communicate with you;
  • conduct research;
  • comply with our legal and regulatory obligations; and
  • otherwise manage and improve our business.

We may also use your personal information to create de-identified or aggregated datasets. Such datasets will not constitute personal information about you, and may accordingly be used or disclosed by us as we see fit as the detailed entailed therein will be de-identified.

5.      Direct marketing

Any proposed new direct marketing activities must be referred to Red Room Poetry’s CEO (who holds oversight for the Red Room Poetry Policies, in consultation with Red Room Poetry’s Board and Operations Manager) for assessment, along with details about:

  • the individuals to whom the direct marketing would be directed;
  • the personal information involved, and whether this was collected directly from those individuals or from some other source;
  • whether or not consent has been obtained; and
  • whether the employee believes the individuals involved would reasonably expect the direct marketing to occur.

Individuals and stakeholders may opt out at any time if they no longer wish to receive commercial messages from us.  This can be requested by:

  • Contacting us via Red Room Poetry’s website, email or phone. All direct marketing communications will refer to this ability.
  • Clicking the unsubscribe link on electronic direct marketing communications

Direct marketing communications will then not be sent to individuals who have opted-out.

6.      Information Sharing

Where information is to be shared with third parties, this will be done in line with applicable laws and this Privacy Policy. 

Red Room Poetry does not currently disclose personal information overseas.

7.      Resolving concerns

Any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Policy, about how an individual may access and correct personal information about them, or about how we handle your personal information should be directed to the CEO or phone 1800 POETRY.

Where there is dissatisfaction with how the privacy complaint has been handled, individuals and organisations may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at GPO Box 5218, Sydney, on 1300 363 992, or at