The mighty Australian sea lion
By Sanya B
Published 5 April 2023
The Australian sea lion
Disappearing as the years go by,
Fisheries being a threat, leaving thousands dead,
While the rest are left to suffer
Old trauma of poachers hunting them, just like in the footsteps of Orion.
Only under 12,000 left the world,
Whose gonna save them if humans are the threat?
As the numbers of them alive start to decrease,
Marine creatures are left at risk of becoming endangered.
Their strong flippers
Racing against the ocean with ease,
No one would ever fight them—
It’s a death wish.
Only living in Australia
Contributing in saving the environment,
With the help of Mother Nature.
The Australian sea lion
Suffering and vanishing,
They mustn’t die or many others will,
How are we gonna save them?