Supporters and Partners

Red Room Poetry gives heartfelt thanks to our supporters and partners who are helping us to fire the creativity of poets of all ages. We appreciate all contributions, great and small.

To support our programs, make a donation or contact our Development Director, Rebecca Cuschieri.

Principal Supporters

  • Oranges and Sardines

  • Bret Walker AO SC

Major Supporters

  • Copyright Agency Cultural Fund

  • Adès Family Foundation

  • Graeme Wood Foundation

  • Imprint Foundation

Diamond Supporters

The Albert Fisher Family Foundation, Tim Game SC, Peter Mason AM and Kate Mason

Sapphire Supporters

Phillip Boulten SC, The McLean Foundation, Emma and Andrew Maple-Brown, The Serpentine Foundation, Kim Williams AM

Ruby Supporters

Margie and Michael Arnott, Annabel Baxter, Liz Cuninghame and Andrew FitzSimons, Rebecca and Nick Cuschieri, Rowena Danziger AM, Chris and Phoebe Hoy, Justice François Kunc, Professor Kate Ogg, Hon Michael Pembroke, Judith Pini, Mary Preece, Seamus and Sabrina Quick, Paul and Connie Ruiz, David and Jenny Turner

Garnet Supporters

Jessica Block, Ian Gibbins, The Goddard Family, Bob Hefner and Peggy Daroesman, Neroli Hobbins, Liz Nield OAM, Greeba Pritchard, Mark Wakely

Topaz Supporters

Hugh Allen and Judith Ainge, Margaret Burke, Arthur Charles AM and Prue Charles, Natalie Cooke, Gillian Corban, Christopher Dawson, Sara Dehm, Tawfik Elgazzar, Ashley Hay, Anne McLean, Susanne Nelles, Penni Russon, Anthea Vogl, Richard Walsh

Opal Supporters

Nicole Abadee, Antoinette Albert, Melonie Bayl-Smith, Marc Bennie, Sara and James Carlisle, Arjun von Caemmerer, Natalie Cooke, Maryanne Cuschieri, Yvonne Gray, Michael Harrison, Wendy Haynes, Joanna Hughes, Dr Linda Kirk, Joan Lai, Peta Landman and Michael Bogle, Miles Merrill, Kate Pennington, Miranda Purnell, Ekta Sharma, Nigel Spence, Stephanie Tonkin, Annie Woodham, In memory and honour of Xavier Patrick O’Grady

Jade Supporters

Dr Claire Albrecht, Andrew Bassett, Howard Cassidy, Anne Curran, Tricia Dearborn, Heather Duthie, Stephen Edgar, Susie Fagan, Zae Greenwood, PJ Haben, Victoria Jennings, Joan Lai, Heidrun Lohr, Pam Maitland, Mark Marusic, Gwyneth Ottrey, Chi Ouyang, Di Parsons, Wayne Perkins, Joel Roast, Stephanie Roe, Tim Sinclair, Tom Stodulka AM, Sue Walden

Partners and Collaborators