Truth and Reconciliation Pledge

Red Room Poetry’s Truth and Reconciliation Pledge

A pledge is a promise. 

Red Room staff have collaboratively created this pledge and adopt it as a set of guiding principles that sit at the heart and forefront of how we work. This living document is created to challenge and push us. It is not perfect, but rather a humble working document that we can lean on in our journey. And in that journey, we acknowledge that we will make mistakes and experience discomfort, and know there are rich learnings to be gained as we live this commitment. 

This pledge replaces our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Whilst a RAPs key objective is to enable organisations to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action to advance reconciliation, based on the core pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, we acknowledge that these roadmaps often fail to provide real impact. They can lack genuine commitment, accountability and change to the communities and individuals they intend to work with. The goals in our former RAP form key steps in Red Room’s Strategic Plan and through this pledge are now at the forefront of our work and projects, based on relationships, respect and providing opportunities and agency.

  1. We understand that decolonisation involves everyone. We each engage in a personal process of decolonisation and bravely bring this into our work. We are committed to educating ourselves and supporting each other in this work and know that this is an ongoing and evolving journey.
  2. We commit to centring the voices of First Nations people, listening deeply, being in solidarity and working with Indigenous communities. We actively connect with Indigenous artists, poets, contractors, participants and partners, knowing it can take more time.
  3. First Nations people meaningfully shape not only the outcome but the ways work is made and shared and we acknowledge the role of poetry in truth telling, personal expression, and social journeys. We aim to support this self-determination and justice throughout our work.
  4. We understand that poetry, languages and all living beings are linked to Country, we aim to respect and work in harmony with First Nations ways of caring for this web of connections. We acknowledge that we are all one.
  5. Red Room Poetry is not a First Nations organisation though we explore Indigenous ways of being in our work. We are aware of the importance of changing the ways in which we behave and operate in our journey of walking together. We experiment, develop, and share Indigenous ways of being in the workplace and acknowledge that this pledge is a living document, reflecting a point in time and journey.
  6. We know that there is more work to do. We are open to conversation and exploration on how we may do things differently.

Naawala, mimugurubuni, yanagn un, ngyinarigai gana manuwi

Look, do not close your eyes, we walk together, with feet on fire

We thank the First Nations Wisdom Circle for their guidance and support with our pledge.