Speak Australian

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1:30-2:30pm, Saturday 31 August 2024

Riverside Theatres, Parramatta

Cost: Free

Event type(s):

Sweatshop is the nationally renowned literacy movement devoted to empowering Indigenous, migrant and refugee communities through reading, writing and critical thinking. In this star-studded line-up as part of Contains Strong Language, Sweatshop’s greatest wordsmiths will perform and discuss their most recent and acclaimed works. Race, class, gender and sexuality will come crashing against each other through a collection of diverse and eclectic stories that tap into the soul of contemporary Australia. Hosted by Michael Mohammed Ahmad, the line-up includes Jazz Money, Natalia Figueroa Barroso, Winnie Dunn, Mark Mariano and Katie Shammas

Free but booking required. Live stream via Red Room Poetry's YouTube channel.