Poetry Month Workshop: Community & Connection

7-8:30pm, Wednesday 21 August 2024

Event type(s):
Workshop, Online

Poetry is not just a genre; it is a practice of mindful living, paying close and generous attention to the world, our feelings, and the struggles of existence. This workshop is suitable for both beginners and seasoned poets, as well as anyone curious about poetry and its power to transform language and life.

This workshop invites you to explore your relationship to self and notions of genealogy, delving deep into the connections between ancestry and personal identity.

In this workshop, you'll engage in creative exercises that draw parallels between cultural heritage and personal traits, encouraging a mindful and holistic approach to writing. Facilitators will guide you through the process, sharing their own works and insights to inspire your journey into what makes the self.

Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how their ancestry influences their lives, writing odes to characteristics they are learning to embrace. Themed prompts will help channel emotions and experiences, encouraging you to consider inherited traits, family traditions, and the joys of cultural heritage.

Small group discussions will provide a supportive environment for sharing poems and receiving feedback, fostering community and connection. You will have a chance to write a poem in the workshop and get some feedback and guidance from the facilitators, Princess Arinola Adegbite and Adrian Mouhajer.

Presented by Red Room Poetry for Poetry Month and Contains Strong Language. This project is supported by the British Council.

Please note, participation in this workshop is by invitation only through our partners Young Identity (UK) and Sweatshop (AUS).