I hear you calling, calling – your voice clearer than birdsong on a crisp morning
no matter how far away we are.
Our bond is stronger than titanium and longer than the universe.
You are a fierce lion, afraid of nothing;
at the same time a timid mouse, hiding under the warm covers of my bed.
You are mine, my love is inside of you, a neighbour to all of your
stuffing, making you a living, loving thing.
You fight off bad dreams my cotton warrior – winning every fight.
On dark nights you glow like the brightest star in the sky, and all shadows
dissolve into nothingness, like water into vapour.
You are a blanket of calm when all is chaos;
our hearts beat to the same rhythm, for we share the same heart.
My love for you is larger than existence sweet cotton warrior,
my sweet bear with fur the colour of berries,
my cotton warrior and I, as brave as can be.