I decided to take your dress,
The one you wanted to wear to the party this weekend,
It’s a green colour,
I think the right word is lantana lime?
I don’t know I searched it up,
And that’s what I got.
I think it looks better on me anyway.
I just want to say,
You're never getting it back.
Signed – anonymous

This poem was highly commended for Poetry Object 2019

'I love a conversational poem that starts with ‘hey’ and this is no exception. This piece was so different to the others with its unapologetic attitude. The voice demands authority, and with just two words, a darker sense of humour is present with a dress the shade of ‘lantana lime’. Conversational poems perhaps sprung from Wordsworth's conception of the poet as "a man speaking to men" and in “the language really used by men" (poetry can be anything language allows). Except take out the ‘men’ part and replace it with ‘people’, thank you very much.'
~ Emilie Zoey Baker, Judge, Poetry Object 2019