Gold circles my finger, we’ll never part.
Old mind remembers Nerves, Youthful Smiles, Vows.
Keep beating on, my little broken heart.

Your warm strong hands hold tightly mine, 'Let’s start
Our adventures together. You and me –
Gold circles my finger, we’ll never part.'

Baby Pollocks on fridge – proud of her art.
'Daddy! Do you love it?' Grace sweetly asks.
Keep beating on, my little broken heart.

Gift from my parents proved true daily – smart
stuff: 'Love is an action, not emotion.'
Gold circles my finger, we’ll never part.

Beep… Beep... Matthew struggles to read the chart.
Falsely Bright: 'You’ll be right Dad! Mum’s here too!'
Keep beating on, my little broken heart.

Now. Ashes. Sympathetic eyes depart
From our lonely ‘family’ home. Tears brim,
Gold circles my finger, we’ll never part.
Keep beating on, my little broken heart.