Allis Hamilton is a creature of nature who creates paintings, poems and music.

Her poetry is published in journals and anthologies in Australia, Canada, England,

Ireland, and Scotland, in places such as Australian Poetry Journal, Meanjin,

Overland, Poetry Review, Poetry Scotland, Southerly, Westerly, and forthcoming

from Poetry London. Allis has been a guest poet at festivals and readings in London,

Melbourne, Canberra, and little towns around Australia.

She was finalist in the 2022 Montreal International Poetry Prize; the 2019 Adelaide

Perry Prize for Drawing; and semi-finalist in the 2022 Doug Moran National

Portrait Prize. Her music and a poem featured on BBC Radio 3’s improvised jazz

programme, Freeness in 2020; and in 2022 her composition for Cities and Memory

was discussed on BBC Radio 4.