1. Anetra dives over Marcia Marcia Marcia

the here and now is a bendback-house
queering the queue repeat             now jump!!

  1. Jimin ‘Set Me Free pt2’

the eighth member of BTS
is queer phenomenology

production swallows us we
better swallow it right back
sometimes I think: yes choreography!!
the way we’ve got for getting through
this pain      pop quiz, today

let’s read this as: resistance facing
service, he/they/him/them soft
coming-out       unity       defector
anthem, my own subjective mass
market bop for trans liberation?

at this point, bb, everything is.

  1. ‘Unholy’ orchestral version

(I do understand that capitalism has already killed us and
the later the hour the more I take unheterosexual solace
from things that make a few people a lot of money) also

                                  I owe my co-worker Lydia another dollar

  1. take a closer look at that snout



  1. Meryl Streep says she has doubts at the end of the movie Doubt

spoiler alert only when old gods act out
their silly self-affecting beats might we
drag ourselves to their Divine            if

you read this and think I’d be quite annoying
to spend time with, then let gay poemz reign
another thousand shitposting years           but
                    me?? I have such doubts –  

  1. Anetra dives over Marcia Marcia Marcia (repeat)

my niece is born in an August storm
how to bottle lightning, racing, slow
the clock       bath time, time to walk

that rubber duck
. my sister and
my sibling and I stroll through  
Joondalup shopping centre with

blood bonds, queer bonds, and when
Skye laughs at Christmas, we laugh
with her        she leaps over the time

my sibling and I walk around Herdsman Lake
unsettle the past with wading birds. my sister
and Skye walk the park, and I meet them home

before the rain. trivial and joyful loop, or end –
                          if there’s not 🥺🥺 at the revolution, I’m not coming.