This permanent job has passed over to the other side 

of austerity. Budgetary measures a perfect line of bugs.

To hug a short-term fiscal plan through the long cold night,

a terribly windowless must-have and must-do supersedes rest.

Waking up to face the cold-hards, shrouds have no pockets 

and we walk among options, the evidence clear as bread—

with bread all borrows are less. Avoid those who don’t like $$$

and upsettingly smooth internet users. A bureaucrat’s non-words

are as useful as mud-wrestling the treasurer off-camera.

Lavish thread. Spite cardigans are in season and a great motivator.

It’s getting colder to be casual, there’s not much fibre in a payslip. 

Gulp. Another email ending in warmth. Bury the lede in no worries.

It’s a pleasure discussing weather with you [insert mutual connection]

and look forward to the meeting about the meeting. Can’t wait to meet.

You give a go, you get to go, you go go go, don’t give, get till it’s gone 

south. Flee cultivation. Important dooms crackle. Loopful buzzwords buzz.

If opportunity doesn’t knock, ring the consolatory bell. Smell the way 

to new procedures. Rent out your labour to surfeit your landlord’s lifestyle.

Don’t yell at colleagues until you’re at work. Hold hard to the yardstick,

revengingly break out of the break room for breakfast. Don’t forget that

affluence is the child of status quo and crime. If you’re late for a shift

attach yourself to a larger penalty and say hello, not long now.


Footnote: this poem was created using the Euphemisms and Aphorisms constraint as the starting point.