Poetry comes in many forms. It is found in a beautiful sunset, in the melodies sung by whales, in feet stomping Country in dance, in the colours and patterns across a canvas and in the relationships with have with eachother and Country.

'Berrara' is a musical poem inspired by and written for Baraya Barray - Whale Song by Gary Watling - a proud Wiradjuri man, musician, composer, and musical director who grew up on salt water Yuin Country. Reflecting on this piece, Gary says:

'Standing at Berrara Beach, I felt the symphony of nature wash over me. The rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves, the whispering breeze, and the distant calls of seabirds combined to create a unique auditory landscape. This environment became the catalyst for my latest composition. Music, to me, is poetry in motion. It is a form of expression that transcends words, conveying emotions and stories through melody and rhythm. Where poetry uses the cadence of language and the power of metaphor, music employs harmony, dynamics, and tone. Each note is a word, each chord a phrase, and each movement a stanza.'