I drive to the sea. 

Thinking of John Berryman, 
Jeff Buckley, Virginia Woolf. 
What is it about water?


Today has wrung 


out of me.


The sea is surreal 

blue - unbroken by 

houses and roads.


In summer, I only 

have a plastic sea breeze

blowing in through the air-cooler


and the constant rush 

of cars in streets 

race like waves 

to home shores. 


At night when I can't sleep, 

white horses pant 

at the edge of 

beaches and sunsets.


But in suburbia,

I have to make do 

with low volume radio static, 

the electric sound of ocean wash.


Today I'm here, 

soothed with the ease 

of a blue valium on


my eye's tongue.