Nathanael O’Reilly
Nathanael O’Reilly was born in Warrnambool and grew up in Ballarat, Brisbane and Shepparton. His fourteen poetry collections include Terminals (above/ground press, 2025), Separation Blues: Poems 1994-2024 (Flying Islands Books, 2024), Dublin Wandering (Recent Work Press, 2024), Landmarks (Lamar University Literary Press, 2024), Selected Poems of Ned Kelly (Downingfield Press, 2024), Boulevard (Downingfield Press, 2024) and (Un)belonging (Recent Work Press, 2020). His work appears in journals and anthologies published in fifteen countries, including Cordite, fourW, Mascara, Meanjin, Meniscus, Rabbit and Westerly. He is poetry editor for Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature.