Poetry comes in many forms. It is found in a beautiful sunset, in the melodies sung by whales and whispered in wind, in feet stomping Country in dance, in the colours and patterns across a canvas and in the relationships with have with eachother and Country.

'Gadhu Burri Burri' is a sonic poem inspired by and written for Baraya Barray - Whale Song.
Lyrics were provided by student poet Indiana from their 'Gadhu Burri Burri' poem written in Baraya Barray - Whale Song 2023 workshops.

Vocals in this piece are taken from the sounds of Country - imagining blue glistening waves, and the vibration of Whale song through water, as mum and bub dive, roll and breach as they play.

The melody was inspired by Indiana's poem and features their vocals on the track.
In Indiana's poem 'Ocean Whales sing to their babies' and so the main melody at the start and end of the piece is a simple lullaby - Whale mothers singing to their babies just as human mothers do.
Piano arpeggios mimic rippling waves with atmospheric vocals signalling the calls of whales, vibrating and echoing the currents of deep waters.

Rhythms and beats were taken from vocal sounds (beat boxing) to mimic the sound of whale breath through their blowholes and the beating of clapsticks dancing up the whales for ceremony.

Gadhu Burri Burri Yanggam boori

(Ocean Whales sing to baby)

Gadhu Burri Burri Gali Boori

(Ocean Whales dance with baby)