by Nicky Hurle

Please be careful , love, today

So much can cause you harm

You could electrocute yourself

When stopping the alarm.


Don’t drop the soap while bathing

As it could cause you to slip

And take it slowly with your tea

Don’t let it burn your lip.


Watch your step when walking, dear

Avoid ferocious dogs

Look both ways before you cross and

Watch out for road-hogs!


Be careful when you get to school

Store your lunch box well

Or else the salmonella bug might

Ring your funeral bell.


Take care when sharpening pencils, Hon,

And don’t provoke the bullies

Never run in the corridor and

Always wear your woollies!


If you’re walking home

Ignore the strangers on the street

They may be trying to kidnap you

By offering you a sweet.


Come straight home and read a book

Don’t surf the internet

Don’t watch TV or play Xbox

Don’t make your mother fret


Eat up your meat and veg, Darl,

so you’ll grow big and strong

Don’t lick your knife and watch that fork

You might injure your tongue!


On second thoughts don’t leave today

Relax, stay off your feet

But when you’re lying in your bed

Don’t strangle in the sheet!


written in response to exercise nine