by Zan



i will write about everything about you.
whenever the memories come back, i will write all about you.
i will write about what you did and who you were to me.
i will write not write you out of my life but i will write you to death.
but you will not die so easily. i will ensure you are ensnared by my writings.
and you will still live despite the fact that i have written the epitaph on your tombstone.
and you can visit yourself and read the dirty deeds that you did.
i will write so you can remember
these wretched  moments:

the exasperation from hours of waiting
the clocks of my life that you stole from me
the freedom of choice to escape
the  loss  of reason to be myself
the taste of near death at the steering wheel

the slanders you made in my name
the mandatory brainwashing you performed

the way i said ‘yes’ when i really wanted to say ‘no!’


the way you held me back each time I got strong

god I hate you- but sometimes I forget all that


i will write so you can remember
the brief spell of slavery
i am subjected to your debauchery of my body
i will write my revenge on you and you will read it word per word
and memorize them line by line and whinge and whine
from beginning to the end, of every moment you demand
of my soul for your ill will.

i write this story for the children who will inevitably come to know..
of you and how you are  the devil

that will one day ask them to call him their..uncle.

Thursday 8/9: Adam Aitken 'Costumes'
: Head to the library or bookshop. Look for a poem idea in the titles on the book spines.