My Earth - My Mother
By Uncle Ken Canning
Published 5 May 2022
Deep musky scent,
rich red soil.
One lone gum tree
from air to nose.
Sniff this way,
Kangaroo over there,
Snake here.
Wind stirs soft,
rustles dry grass.
Crow wings flap
over and over
all day long.
Cockatoo screeches
noisy but nice.
Shimmering waves
from hot desert sands,
colour blending, changing.
Funny one that.
Yellow sun blazing
shooting colour to land.
Reds, browns, greens and greys.
Water in air
Rain soon here,
fresh pure honey
so sweet I smile.
Dig some yams
crunchy to bite,
Plenty tucker here.
Warm red dirt,
so full of life,
feel the oil,
from one fallen leaf.
The roughness of rock
as ancient as me.
Spine tingles in joy.
You must slow down,
stop, listen, look
learn our Mother,
She provides all.
Taste, touch and love Her
and respect, yes — respect.
I am born of Her.