Some days you have to walk a long way out

to get beyond the shallows


Does anyone remember their first time?

Skin in the sand, footprints of strangers


The factory smoke behind the dunes

a second cousin of cloud and thought


Active metal flows down to the service road

night shift blurs to morning, the sun breaks 


There are a lot of spurned dog shits today 

care extends as far as one can't be seen 


The Jehovahs aren't up on pamphlet Hill

perhaps the world is ending in new ways 


Industry creeks bleed out on the shore

it’s too flat to worry about the state of the world


Lately, I've been watching a lot of shark videos 

underneath great whites are apex dreams 


If a shark turned up in our urban cafe habitats

(but they won’t, they've got enough on their plate)


Rock platforms extend the ways we walk on water 

today I leave them to oystercatchers and terns 


There is always a piece of driftwood on its own

let's merge with it, today it is too damp to burn 


Footnote: this poem was created using the Double act constraint as the starting point.