Zahra Mandgar
Zahra Mandgar was born in 2001 in Ghazni Province of Afghanistan. She developed a deep interest in writing poems and declaiming poetry in cultural programs since she was a child.
Considering her love for women and her people, she worked as a Literature Instructor with illiterate women to empower them with writing and reading skills for three years. Currently, she is studying her major in Photography and Art at Kabul University. She is an active member of Danishgo Poetry Center and has been recognised as one of the best members of it which resulted in publication of her poems under the name of Padgana 1. Zahra has worked voluntarily as a photographer in several cultural conferences at Kabul University and she has been working as a reporter at a YouTube channel before the downfall of Afghanistan.
Zahra was working as reporter with Rah e Farda T.V. Unfortunately, since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, she lost her job for unknown reasons.