I walk barefoot, a pair of sandals in my hand

I can feel the pulse within the sand

As I look around, the enchantment hits

While I step on lonely broken pips.


I hear the crash of the waves, sending their message

I draw in the sand to send one back

I feel the crunchy grains, almost like rice inbetween my toes

The world is a magical place. How? 

Nobody knows.


The ocean is a potion, the seaweed acts as lotions

which feel like guards, still and patient

I have a border, a protection shield

Mother nature, the trees and waves on my side

Every grain of sand is a soldier, protecting me 

with pride.


The wet, glistening, green leaves stare down at me

Some trees are thick, some trees are thin, but it doesn’t matter what shape or size they are in

They are beautiful in every way and I hope they

are here to stay.