On the day I was born, he was given to me,
A small blue bear with stout arms and legs,
And little white patches on his ears and feet.
Black bead eyes and a blunt blue nose,
He smells of memories and me.

We’d sit and we’d read our favourite book,
Winnie the Pooh.
I held him close whenever I slept,
He'd protect me at night, keep bad dreams at bay,
And protect the house when I was gone.

Years ago, I’d never let him go,
I’d take him from London to Paris, to Dubai and Brisbane,
Until one Friday afternoon he was left in a Maritime Museum.
At the steering wheel of a fishing trawler.

I found him there on a Monday and for years he’s been by my side,
But as time goes by
He's become smaller,
Tossed away and thrown aside.

My life’s become filled with things more important,
And Ted hasn’t been seen for a very long time.