Walking up a hill as the icy breeze screams in your face

watching as all the children chatter

leaving imprints of footprints with each quick step.

Looking forward ahead, watching the sand morph into grass and rock,

climbing up a large, steep mountain sprinkled with stone,

mastering this hike leaves you with a patch all the way at the top.

A calm, soft, tickly patch

the feeling of making it to the end of a rainbow

the sight is magnificent.

The small waves creep up on you and the beach,

two huge cliffs bordering up on the sides

they make you feel small,

but the view is the best part.

You see the water suddenly switch to a bright, cloudless sky

seagulls flying high in patterns that are unknown to mankind

below are many different families and friends spending their own time.

And the sun, high above, reflecting happily on the golden sand.