A Gift from a place!!!!

The pictures glow in the dark
like a jellyfish at night in the glistening water.

The scratches remind me of a bear, big and grizzly
scratching the wood of an oak tree on a starry night.

lt is smooth like having a hot chocolate on a snowy night
next to a very tired knight that was in a very long fight.

It was handed down by my uncle,
The dented pictures always taking of his gift of love,

Sometimes the wood can be
as wacky as a goofy ball of wool.

As the shiny stains glister in the
howling moon light I slowly set off to sleep.

As God and Mary comfort me I try try so very hard to
win this dream.

Most of the time the beads are so hard like a snail
competing in the Olympics and then beating me.

Most times of my life it feels so special like a hug on someone's
farewell to a place so far far far away from me and you.

The elastics holds my heart and ears close to it as I am
always near and so is it.


This poem is about a bracelet that my uncle gave to me when l was 5 . I loved it at first sight and it looked amazing. And from that day I always treasured it. I wear it when I go to bed and everyday to school. My uncle gives me lots of beautiful things but this one was special it has lots of pictures on it of Mary, Jesus, saints and many more people we all know about. I had to mend this bracelet many times, and it always felt like mending a broken clock over and over again. I have had many memories with this bracelet. Most of the time I believe that it is a good luck charm sent down from someone special to me. To keep me safe from all harm. Everyday I start a new day with others making them smile and laugh and this bracelet is what helps me stay safe and help others with a small act of kindness everyday.