The smooth velvet was as soft as the calmly flowing ocean waves,
Rocking back and forth in a warm comforting motion
And the rough leather casing acted like a wall of sandstone beginning to grinde away in the current of silk,
but under the waves is hidden a treasure, one hundreds of years old
A handful of precious coin with a story to be told.

A creaking of hinges, the clanking of tins,
A yawn almost musical rumbles from within
Golden writing beams with content and strength, as dose a king
Ready to face challenges ahead, to learn, to grow

Radiating love and care out of a melancholic voice
With memories to share and travels to be told
A bittersweet warmth slowly emerging
Hopes of people long gone
There hopes still burn in my heart

Coin from times old, and times new
Coins collected by me and you
coins hold history and hope
Coins resonate with dreams, and help us to cope...