To my dearest friend,
Hi! I know a see you a lot but we never talk,
You’re always there for me,
You always keep me cozy with your cotton, comfy embrace,
Your signature scent of tea, coffee and junk food would always make me feel excited and happy,
but also safe and calm

In summer you kept me nice and cool,
like coming home from the beach to an air conditioned beach house, little and loving,
Ice cream in one hand and ice cold drink in the other

In winter you kept me safe and warm,
Like sitting in front of a fireplace in a cabin made of red wood and old brick
in the middle of the woods during a snowstorm,
Drinking hot chocolate and eating comfort foods, wrapped up in a heavy, fluffy blanket

You never held a grudge or kept a vendetta against those who wrong you,
My friends ripped out your glossy black curtain rods and jumped on your springy stomach,
They spilt food and drink on your legs and back and threw your pillows everywhere,
But you kept them safe, you kept them snug, and you listened to the stories they told

I know you worry that I’ll throw you away if you break,
But you’ve done so much and will continue to, that I would be insane to even try to throw you away,
Thank you