A Malleefowl Hatches From its Egg
By Brett D
Published 24 September 2024
The red dirt has trapped most of your body like a soldier
on Iwo Jima buried beneath volcanic sand after a round
landed close. Only your head shows – wet plumage from
the egg’s gum has groomed feathers into a slick mohawk
as though you still retain the bright dinosaur crest of your
ancestors that cools you down. Your bill bayoneted your
membrane right in the guts as your kind have drilled for
ages, even when your memories were more reptilian than
bird & we were just a blueprint in the bloom’s masterplan.
You are rare. Power-dressing with your eggshell shoulder
pads as you try to emerge from underground like a child
plucked from a drainpipe. Your eye dulled with sunlight
stares back at the camera. Your namesake cleared, you lie
beneath your broken shield waiting for the fox’s blow.