Creating joy for my rider every summer
Every week
Every spare day of the school holidays
But what joy do get
Being stood on all day
Thrashed around in the water until the sun sets only to locked away in a cold lonely shed.

In the winter
I realise I can't wait for the summer,
it gets as cold as the north pole
And the shed is always a dark night sky
Cobwebs slowly start to creep into my boots
It feels like the shed locks me up and is never going to let me out again.
The wind dances around, and whistles a song that seems to be mocking me
6 months have passed and it’s time for summer

Summer again
I'm much older and wiser than last year
I start to respect my owner and realise my life is not all that bad
In the air I feel the breeze brush past my bright and colourful fiberglass frame and through my smooth leather boots
The sickening feeling of flipping and spinning turns into a joy
While I sit on the shore waiting to be used I fell the warm sun beaming on delicately painted surface
And I realise what a fantastic life this is

A few years have gone by
Some good others bad
I have meet and talked to a lot of new wakeboards who have come and gone
My life is a dream, that I'd never thought of dreaming
Then on Christmas day a new board comes to the shed
And I soon realise that my dream may be coming to an end

Another long year has passed in the dark and gloomy shed since I have been replaced
Life is fine but little did I know, I still may have another life to go
I wake in a living room under a bright and colourful Christmas tree hearing the happy voices of a new owner
I feel reborn as wonder what adventures are to happen in the future