“Boys are meant to ruin your lipstick, not your mascara”.

So says Marilyn Monroe and so says I.


Except I didn’t say that when he yelled

And I didn't say that when I cried in pain 

And I didn't say that when I cowered in the corner.

And I didn’t say that when he lied,

And I didnt say that when he was “just joking”.


But I say that now.

I say it to the girl that I was

And I say it to myself over and over again, while I lie, staring blankly at the ceiling.

 I say it to the girl beside me, who needs to hear it.

And I say it with a hug, 

I say it all the time.

and I say it when nobody asks, 


I say it because I can

And I say it, because the world needs to hear it too.