As I walk into this forest, I have a look around.

I can see and feel amazing things and hear glorious sounds.


Every time I come here, I feel like it's my home.

Even though there’s no one else I never feel alone.

So many different colours, so many different tones.


Rushing rivers running down raging through the rocks.

Howling winds blow through the trees to make the noises stop.

As the rain begins to fall it hits the water. Plop.


Furious falls crashing down as scary clouds fade in.

Ancient trees stand tall, their leaves begin to sing.

The birds look like they're showing off as they spread their massive wings.


I’ve been here for a while, and I begin to lose my light.


As I balance on the slippery log in the middle of the night.

The moon as bright as gold my only source of light

Shooting stars fill the sky animals are tense and tight.


Walking down the ditches and up over the hills.

I do this every day, but I never lose the thrill.


As I walk through this part of nature for one last final time.

I’ll keep it close to me and won’t leave it behind.