Beautiful brown, expanded and tall

Living near our town

The trees are blowing and crashing like the seas

As they race for a place in the sky

Slow and steady like the snow

Taking the birds and their words higher than they’ve ever been

Twittering and chattering, flying and crying

With the blowing and rushing of gum leaves

As the breeze brushes against them

Small, cute Koalas munch on the eucalypt leaves

As the big brilliant sun falls

And the moon takes over the land

The night animals are free to roam the moonlit land 

Nibbling or hunting for prey

Either way they get their fill, in the moonlit jungle city

The breeze is now coming down

And the leaves of the beautiful trees soften

Now the rain takes the land, dripping and splashing

Making puddles, filling up the earth

This is a beautiful place to be