Blossom Petals
By Charli H
Published 18 August 2022
The blossoms fall like snow.
Petals covering the ground,
The wind makes a whistling sound,
and the kids running around.
The petals dazzle in the sun,
Kids sitting on the benches,
eating their honey buns.
The sun starts to go to sleep,
but before it sets, the park ranger comes to sweep.
Beep all the cars go, waiting for their kids.
as the wind comes back,
the petals skid,
trying to escape the bin.
The War between the park ranger and petals is scarring
the petals whispering darling no!
The wind helping the petals,
the sun has fallen asleep,
The ranger has no chance now.
the petals take their last bows,
and lay back on the ground.