The world wakes as the sun appears over the lip of the horizon,

things start to stir and the wild grasses begin their dance.

I listen to the life around me, 

and see veins forming on newly created eucalyptus leaves.

As I wander around the overgrown paths,

pollen falls to the ground forming a soft yellow carpet.

Sunshine covers the grass like dew,

flowers hang from trees like little colourful fairy lights.

I watch aphids crawl over different types of plants,

devouring leaves at a rapid pace.

The sunlight is dappled through the trees,

as the afternoon rolls around.

Motionless, I feel the time flying by on brightly coloured wings.

As the night grows the treefrogs chime into the midnight band,

camp fires are lit and ghost stories told. 

The clouds turn from pink to grey,

I spot the odd kangaroo or two.

Cats come out to hunt and prowl, in silence .

The native bush is quiet and still,

we all sleep in peace.