Temperatures are rising

Our ground is getting drier

There is not enough precipitation

This is ensuring the bushfires devastation

How could we let the flames just engulf our vegetation? 


Where does it end?

If we keep this up will our planet ever mend?

Our way of life battered all around 

The terrible effect of the animals on the ground and in the sea

Is truly devastating to me.


So many people affected, so many distraught

I'm trying to wrack my brain for the things I've been taught

I hear about climate change all the time

But seeing the devastating impact, really does make it feel like a crime

But who are the criminals and how do we stop them?


It is us I hear so how can we stop this?

Let's start walking to school

Stop burning all that fuel 

Put the hose down and turn off the tap

And this will make a difference all across the map.