The touch of it felt like the sand scattering on my hand
I felt like it was just me and it on deserted land
I cuddled it close on the night with a full moon shining on the sea
and the touch of it made my nightmares run away from me.

I thought of its majestic heart
hypnotising me from the very start
the time I grasped it into my open arms
and that's when he became my lucky charm.

It's my talismanic object I see shining bright
I grab it, groom it and take it outside to the morning sunlight
place it on the grass, pointing to the sky
staring at the clouds with its head up high.

I can feel the taste of it, just like caramel slice
it has the colour of the fiery Indian spice
It's the open crack of light in my little world
my special shining, shimmering and sparkling pearl.

A snapping jaw torn and old
its eyes shining bright like gold
"Snuggle me close" it says to me
I take it and place it on my knee.
Croco my special crocodile.