Cruelly, we mercilessly destroy the tremendous, towering trees and verdant, vibrant plants.

Foolishly, we replace almost every terrific tree with ominous buildings.

Madly, vulnerable animals are dashing everywhere in search of a home.

Safely, we absolutely need to help like knights in shining armour.

Later in the future we will make a dramatic and positive change.

Recently, much of our magnificent natural habitat has been spoilt.

Afterwards, we continued to make it worse.

Often, we forget how precious and marvellous our wondrous, wonderful world is.

Repeatedly, we violently slice down trembling trees and make putrid pollution without a second thought.

Once a year, we are swallowed by ferocious flames.

Everywhere, we spoil the gleeful and jubilant times of animals.

Outside, animals are howling desperately, their calls echo like thunder.  

Wherever we are, we see ghastly, grotesque pollution.

Completely, people are selfish and absolutely don’t care.

Entirely, we absolutely and certainly need to help.

Totally, like a group of nurses, we need to mend this world.

Little have any compassion for the environment.