As the sleepy, slumbering, sloth was sleeping in its favourite tree,

There were millions of other animals, living happily,


But then they came,

The humans, who are all the same,


Taking, taking, taking their homes like greedy lions, with no remorse,

The roaring yellow trucks, knocking the trees down with force,


But the slow, slimy sloth, couldn’t get out of his tree in time,

All the other animals, leaving with fright,    


But their homes have now been destroyed, even if you think this won’t affect us,

It is an issue we need to urgently discuss,


Cause all the CO2 being released, contribute to the warming of our planet,

Until it's so hot we won't be able to stand it,


This problem is a major issue,

Affecting everything around us,


And thus,

We need to stop,


Before we are all dead,

And we will be wishing that we did something instead.