Although I have seen a lot in my existence,
I cannot speak of the things I have witnessed,
Nor can I begin to explain the struggles and endless
Complications that come along with being so strong.

My character has been built from the ground up,
I would not wish some experiences on my worst enemy,
Although these hurdles are the foundation
On which my character is built.

Each day I strive to stay strong and sturdy,
Even though I know that one day
All that will be left of me is memories,

But until that day nears I will continue to explore
And breathe in all the things that may cross my path.

Putting up a front of being resilient and durable,
Takes its toll and, bit by bit, I can feel my inner lining
Slowly shrivelling up and, as I continue on without
Showing any care in the world,

I am,
But not yet, conquered