Why is it that it keeps us alive but we misuse it so much?
It has been abused for decades and it is only getting worse,
From the melting of the polar ice caps to the deforestation of forests.
If we survived without hurting the Earth before,
can't we do it again?
Don't you have hope for the good.
Or have we become so dependent on these unnecessary inventions that we can't go back.
Have we lost common sense?
Endlessly hunting animals till they are no more.
Unfathomable records of destruction.
When is it that we will learn,
that pushing the limits will have consequences?
Irreversible actions we have committed.
We have to learn,
gain more knowledge.
And if we already learnt,
then teach.
Make sure everyone has learnt,
that way, our hope of returning to a healthy Earth,
will be reality.