Mumma, Earth Mother,
Our ethereal, eternal placenta,
The lifeblood of all that breathes the breeze you exhale,   
Your waters break into rivers that rush through cervical valleys,
Lithospheric contractions forming new earthly shapes, fresh souls.
“Mumma!” cry the natal songbirds
And your birthing tears join ours as rains;
Milk from the skies,
Spilling sustenance on heaving hills,
Leaking life along curvaceous contours of mountain peak breasts.
These tears need only be temporary,
For sunshine smiles warmth onto sandstone cribs,
Clay cots, loam cradles,
Wrapping radiant arms around restless spirits,
Settling our heartbeat ‘til the moonlit calm. 
And in the stars we see the soothing glimmer of eyes that could only be a mother’s,
Earth Mother,
The goddess of growth,
Reminding us that the cord that binds our bellies can never truly be cut;
Even in the lullaby of death, we’ll stay peacefully nestled in your ever maternal soils.