The 6 steps to eutrophication

The process shaping our biochemical nation


Nitrates, growth, carrying capacity

Sediment, sunlight, suffocation


Step 1, nitrates are added

Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, rather rapid


Step 2, photosynthesising organisms grow

Algal blooms aren’t just for show


Step 3, carrying capacity exceeded

Bacteria grows, photosynthesising organisms die, not needed


Step 4, increasing sediment levels might seem alright

Until they get too much and limit sunlight


Step 5, light is part of the photosynthesis equation

Decreased light thus is a causation


Step 6, no photosynthesis but still respiration

Decreased oxygen availability, resulting in suffocation


Nitrates, growth, carrying capacity

Sediment sunlight suffocation

These are the steps to eutrophication