Defeat; a long and hollow blow A violently slow realization
An agonizing shower of sorrow,

Dragging me into its depths
Scratching and clawing
Thrashing and grappling

Hurling fists that are squeezed tight
Holding onto air that once allowed breath
Eyes shut, breathing shallow, blue all around

At my fingertips, hair and lips
Cold disappointment in place of fiery wrath
Muffled cheers in a faraway land

Tumbling down,
Caught in a waterfall of tears
Blinking them away into the surrounding blue

Dumping my heart at my feet,
No place is for sentiment,
With logic on the throne

Summoning soothing yellow
To creep across my jagged cuts
Bruises, blisters and shattered bones

Arms thrown around my battered body
Cushioned from the piercing gazes
While thorns stabbed my heart