Feelings of Pokemon
By Isabella C
Published 29 August 2016
Fletchling Fletchling Fletch-a nearby Fletchling chirped in sorrow
Though The Charmander sang its soothing song in the misty burrow
The wind growled like Mightyena in the town of Plait
Though you must see behind the corner of the bench
A beautiful Jiggly Puff on the malit of the sacred drum
Alas her soul day and night together we sing a light
Fletchling Fletchling Fletch he said angrily
As you have done too much to make me happy
The mist has gone, goodbye night; hello morning we alight
Alas my friend now you must see how happy we feel in harmony
But though I sleep night and day
I feel much the same together, we are forever
Fletchling Fletchling Fletch said the joyous Fletchling
Around the corner in in Palit town
Alas, now I must go with the Pokemon around me